Chapter Policies & Procedures
PSU Chicago Chapter
Ethics Practices
April 2015
Policy Statement:
The Penn State Alumni Association Greater Chicago Chapter has deemed it advisable to institute a set of guidelines to (i) engender a sense of confidence in our membership, with our local Chicago Penn State community and at the University that any monies, property or confidential information that the Chapter is handling are being managed and safeguarded properly, (ii) avoid the appearance of any impropriety by our members or Board, and (iii) eliminate any actual or potential conflicts of interest between the interests of our members or Board and those of the University or our Chapter.
- The Chapter shall ensure that membership, alumni records and University student information remains confidential. Chapter Board members and general members shall not mishandle or misuse student or member information, especially in connection with personal or commercial business ventures unrelated to Chapter or University events or activities. Student and alumni information shall be used strictly in compliance with law and University privacy guidelines.
- The Chapter and its board shall safeguard monies and property belonging to or earmarked for the benefit of the Chapter or the University to eliminate or minimize the potential for theft, fraud or conversion. To that end, audit processes shall be implemented to ensure that any money raised is documented and deposited in Chapter bank accounts (or forwarded to the University) promptly. Each fundraising event at which more than $500 is raised shall be under the management of a Chapter Board member and such Board member shall file an accounting for the event (detailing all proceeds and expenses) not later than the next ensuing Chapter Board meeting. Co-mingling of Chapter/University assets and personal assets is strictly prohibited. No part of the net earnings of Chapter events or activities shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to, any Board or Chapter members or third parties, except to pay reasonable compensation for goods or services rendered. A periodic audit of the Chapter Treasury shall be conducted, but not more than annually, unless circumstances reasonably require otherwise.
- The Chapter Board shall ensure that Chapter activities are conducted in compliance with applicable laws and regulations (eg, federal and tax laws and regulations, fundraising rules), as well as University policy. Any required governmental or University filings shall be made in a timely manner. The Chapter shall not engage in activities to influence legislation or political campaigns or initiatives, or any other activities prohibited for entities exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended or replaced, or any state law or regulatory versions thereof.
- The Chapter Board shall ensure that any monies donated for a specific purpose are properly receipted and then used in compliance with the wishes of the donor (including any donor consultation required). An accounting of donated or purchased prizes shall be maintained to ensure that all proceeds are used in accordance with their intended purposes.
- The Chapter Board and members shall ensure that vendor selection is not driven by personal gain. If furtherance thereof, any Board or Chapter members involved in any selection process shall not accept gifts or money (other than (i) de minimis offerings not to exceed $25 such as complimentary food or beverage during a meeting or (ii) items which are to be used for Chapter fundraising purposes).
- No Board or Chapter member shall access or use of Chapter resources, including website, credit card and bank accounts, except as required in the performance of their Chapter duties or otherwise in accordance with Board directives.
Processes and Procedures:
- In furtherance of the Chapter Ethics Guidelines, the Chapter Board or its Committees may adopt such processes and procedures as it or they may see proper.
- In the event of any actual or potential conflict of interest, the affected member shall provide prompt disclosure to the Board. Failure to give such prompt notice shall also constitute a violation of these Guidelines.
- In the event of a suspected violation of these Ethics Guidelines, the Board may make such inquiries, take such actions or impose such penalties as it may (in its reasonable discretion) decide, including without limitation, restitution, suspension or removal from office or chapter membership.
Harassment Policy Reminder
In light of the Sandusky appeal and its recent appearance in the media, the leaders of the Penn State Chicago Chapter would like to remind its members of some of the policies of the University and its affiliated groups:
The Pennsylvania State University is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to programs, facilities, admission and employment without regard to personal characteristics not related to ability, performance, or qualifications as determined by University policy or by state or federal authorities. It is the policy of the University to maintain an academic and work environment free of discrimination, including harassment. The Pennsylvania State University prohibits discrimination, harassment against any person because of age, ancestry, color, disability or handicap, genetic information, national origin, race, religious creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or veteran status and retaliation due to the reporting of discrimination or harassment. Discrimination, harassment, or retaliation against faculty, staff or students will not be tolerated at The Pennsylvania State University.
In the event that you experience or witness any actions which may violate these policies, please advise a member of the executive board of our Chapter. The board thanks you for you cooperation in keeping the Chapter and its activities safe and fun for all.